Rapid Glass Announcing Service Request Via Twitter
By Rick on April 21, 2010
Topics: Glass Repair, Service, Twitter
Categories: Auto Glass, Business Glass, Commercial Glass
As a locally owned and operated Glass Repair business, we are always striving to find more efficient ways to communicate with our customers. In the “good old days” it was all about walk-in customers and that sacred ring of the telephone. The rule of thumb was always to answer the phone in three rings or less, which we still believe is true today. Then along came e-mails and the development of the World Wide Web. Like us, most businesses realize the necessity of a website and have taken steps to have an online presence which is beneficial to businesses and consumers alike. And when social media hit the scene, it was obvious that these online channels represented the future of connecting with customers on a faster, more personal level.
According to Wikipedia, Social media “is a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and content. It’s a fusion of sociology and technology, transforming monologues (one to many) into dialogues (many to many) and is the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into publishers. Social media has become extremely popular because it allows people to connect in the online world to form relationships for personal and business.” More simply put, social media is a way for people and businesses to communicate with one another.
At Rapid Glass we are always looking at ways to serve our customs better and faster. We believe Twitter just may be the vehicle (no pun intended) to accomplish this.
- Reach Rapid Glass during regular business hours via Twitter with service needs or questions
- Rapid Glass will monitor its Twitter channel throughout the day providing an instant connection
- Stay connected & follow Rapid Glass on Twitter for special offers and expert tips
- Click on the Twitter icon to view the Rapid Glass Profile and check out what other customers have been asking
And now, we’re pleased to announce our “Tweet @RapidGlass For Glass Repair” service to customers on-the-go. It’s unbelievably simple:
- Tweet @RapidGlass repair when you require assistance
- Within three minutes (during regular business hours), we’ll respond under @RapidGlass with a phone number instructions
- Depending on your emergency, a mobile unit will be dispatched or we will schedule an appointment
Twitter is a massively powerful communication tool, and we’re excited to explore and offer new ways to connect with our customers on a real-time basis.
For those of you who are new or unfamiliar with Twitter here is a feature overview.
As always, feel free to give us a call anytime. For evening and weekend service requests our customer service representatives will be answering the phone 24/7. We still believe in a “good old fashion” customer phone call, but now you can contact us immediately through our new Twitter option which will be coming soon.